
No wow

Postato il 15 Febbraio 2006 in Musica, On air now


*bhè... questa canzone mi fa semplicemente impazzire... come LUI...*

You're gonna have to step over my dead body
Before you walk out that door
You charmed me with your magic
Landed looking tragic
"Forever" is the feather you ain't got no more

And all the people you see coming by to save you
You're make-believing-on in your mind
Your eyes are holy rollin', looking, beating, knocking
The ceiling gets closer to you all the time

This ain't no wow now
They all been put down
Who ain't dead yet, fled to die closer to the shore
This ain't no wow no more
This ain't no wow no more
This ain't no wow no more

You're gonna have to step over my dead body
Before you walk out that door
You charmed me with your magic
Landed looking tragic
"Forever" is the feather you ain't got no more

This ain't no wow now
They all been put down
Who ain't dead yet, fled to die closer to the shore
This ain't no wow no more
This ain't no wow no more
This ain't no wow no more

Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' like
Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' like
Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' like the loose end of the night

Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' like
Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' like
Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' like the loose end of the night

Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' like
Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' like
Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' like the loose end at the end of the night

Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' like
Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' like
Drip drip drip drip drip kinda' like the loose end at the end of the night

This ain't no wow now
They all been put down
Who ain't dead yet, fled to die closer to the shore

This ain't no wow now
They all been put down
Who ain't dead yet, fled to die closer to the shore

This ain't no wow now
They all been put down

This ain't no wow now
They all been put down

There ain't no wow now ...

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All there is…

Postato il 31 Gennaio 2006 in Musica, On air now


This song goes out
to all the hopeless sinners,
with grave allegiances,
so meaningless and vain,

though walking wounded in a pageant of contenders,
who balance on a rail of pain for just a pale refrain.

And everything is barely missed, but relations and predicts
my expression, my confession, add it up, extract a lesson, more than this,
once again, like a bullet as a friend, tell me: can that be all there is?

In my rectory of doubt, I kneel to pray like one devout,
as time the great great dreamless sleep of a useless modern god
erodes away each sorry day as wretched adams, one hell to pay--
contained upon a rail of pain for just a little rain.

And everything is dearly missed, but relations and predicts
my expression, my confession, add it up, extract a lesson, more than this,
once again, like a bullet as a friend, tell me: can that be all there is?

There’s an endless disposition,
and it doesn’t mean a goddamn thing—
there’s space for a paper-airplane race in the eye of a hurricane.

And if pigs could fly, then surely so could I,
but this pedestrian knows better than to even try,
and my divinity is caught between the colors of a butterfly.

And everything is dearly missed, but relations and predicts
my expression, my confession, add it up, extract duress and more than this,
once again, like a bullet as a friend, tell me: can that be all there is?
All there is?

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Music Around

Postato il 30 Gennaio 2006 in Musica, On air now

Ho deciso di creare una nuova categoria. Perchè ho voglia di musica. Perchè tutti noi abbiamo qualche canzoncina scema che ci vergognamo a dire che ci piace perchè si sa, tutti hanno una reputazione, ma che quando siamo soli al riparo da orecchie indiscrete cantiamo piacevolemte.. Chi di noi non ha mai detto... "no.. ma che dici? ma gli Sugarfree poi... ti sembro tipo da Sugarfree io?"... che poi sotto sotto la sentiamo un pò nostra lo stesso... Perchè tutti abbiamo QUELLA canzone.. che quando la sentiamo un pò ci si strugge, o magari ci si rallegra, o ci si incazza perchè ci ricorda un espisodio particolare.. Perchè tutti abbiamo una canzone che è solo nostra, che magari è la canzone di altre centomila persone, ma è solo nostra lo stesso, perchè quel momento lì in quel modo lì con quella canzone lì l'abbiamo vissuto solo noi... Perchè diciamocelo, la musica fa il branco, la musica fa l'amore, la musica fa la differenza...

And so... ROCK N'ROLL!!
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Independent day 2005

Postato il 5 Settembre 2005 in Musica
[flagallery gid=4 name="Independent Day"]
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